

A beautiful smile is something to treasure. When you meet someone with a friendly smile, you are instantly drawn to them. It is especially so if they have taken the time to maintain the whiteness of their teeth. But sometimes, we let our teeth go, and they become stained. However, there is an option that can restore your bright smile: teeth whitening.

Teeth whitening is a cosmetic dentistry procedure that you can either have a dentist do or do yourself at home. Many people may not care which option they choose if they get results. But the results of the two options differ, so you must weigh the benefits and drawbacks.

How Does Teeth Whitening Work?

Teeth whitening utilizes different chemicals and compounds to remove the color pigments causing your teeth to discolor. The results can last a few months or more, depending on how you maintain your teeth. However, the two options available may also differ in how long the results last.

In-Office Teeth Whitening

A dental professional always performs in-office teeth whitening. They perform the procedure in the office, taking anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.

Bleaching Agents

During in-office teeth whitening, the dental professional will apply a bleaching agent. They usually use hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. The bleaching agent is then activated using a particular light or laser, which helps accelerate the whitening process.

Laser Teeth Whitening

Another in-office teeth whitening method is laser teeth whitening. It uses high-intensity laser light to activate the bleaching agent and accelerate the whitening process. This method can take as little as 20 minutes.

At-Home Teeth Whitening

At-home teeth whitening is a popular option for people looking to enhance the appearance of their teeth. However, it comes without the cost and time commitment of in-office teeth whitening.

Whitening Toothpaste

Whitening toothpaste contains mild abrasives and enzymes that help remove surface stains from the teeth. They can help improve the teeth’s appearance over time, but they are less effective than other at-home whitening options.

Whitening Gel Strips

Whitening strips are thin, transparent strips coated with a peroxide-based gel. They are applied to the teeth for usually around 30 minutes. You can use them once or twice a day. Whitening strips can effectively remove surface stains and provide noticeable results in a few days.

Whitening Trays

Whitening trays are custom-fitted trays filled with a peroxide-based gel. You wear them over your teeth for usually around 30 minutes. These trays are made to fit your teeth’s shape and can effectively whiten teeth. However, these require a dental visit to get the impressions of your teeth.

Which Is Better?

At-home teeth whitening products are generally less effective than in-office teeth whitening. They also take much longer to show results. Despite this, they can still provide noticeable improvements in the color of the teeth. They are also less expensive and more convenient because you use them in the comfort of your own home.

Preserving Whitening Results

Practice Good Oral Hygiene

Maintaining a regular oral hygiene routine is essential for preserving teeth-whitening results. Brushing your teeth at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush helps. It removes surface stains and prevents plaque buildup.

Plaque can dull the appearance of your teeth. It can make them more prone to discoloration. Brushing helps maintain the health of your teeth and gums, which contributes to a brighter smile.

Limit Staining Foods And Beverages

Some foods and beverages have pigments that can stain your teeth over time. These include coffee, red wine, tomato sauce, and soy sauce. Limiting or avoiding these items can help preserve teeth-whitening results.

Try to rinse your mouth with water if you consume staining substances. You can also brush your teeth if possible. Doing so helps minimize the contact time between the staining agents and your teeth.

Use A Straw

Using a straw while consuming staining beverages like coffee or tea can help reduce direct contact between the liquid and your teeth. Sipping through a straw minimizes the exposure of your teeth to the pigments in the drink. It helps preserve your teeth-whitening results.

Quit Smoking

Smoking tobacco poses numerous health risks and causes severe tooth discoloration. The nicotine and tar present in tobacco can yellow or brown your teeth, undoing the effects of teeth whitening. Quitting smoking can significantly improve the appearance of your teeth and help maintain a bright smile.

Avoid Acidic Foods and Drinks

Foods and drinks with high acidity can erode your teeth’s enamel. These include citrus fruits, vinegar, and carbonated beverages. A weakened enamel makes it easier for stains to penetrate and discolor your teeth. Limiting your consumption of acidic items helps maintain the strength of your enamel. It reduces the chances of staining, preserving your teeth’s whitening results.

Visit Your Dentist Regularly

Regular dental checkups and cleanings help maintain your teeth’s whitening results. Your dentist or dental hygienist can professionally clean your teeth during these visits. They will remove any plaque or tartar buildup that can contribute to discoloration.

They can also assess the condition of your teeth. They can provide personalized advice on how often to get your teeth professionally whitened based on your specific needs. Regular dental visits help preserve teeth-whitening results and ensure overall oral health.

Touch-Up Whitening Treatments

Teeth naturally start to lose brightness over time due to factors like aging and exposure to staining substances. Touch-up whitening treatments can help maintain your whitening results. The frequency of touch-up treatments varies based on factors such as the initial whitening method used, your oral hygiene practices, lifestyle habits, and the natural color of your teeth.

Your dentist can recommend the most suitable schedule for a touch-up treatment. It can range from every six months to every year. These treatments are generally less intensive than the initial whitening process. It serves to refresh and maintain the brightness of your smile.2

Call today

Don’t wait to get the smile you deserve! Call Sumrall Family Dental today at 478-929-1661 for top-notch dental care in a Christian environment.